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5 Clear Signs A Woman Is Sexually Attracted to You beginners dating advice Aug 29, 2024

Understanding signs a woman is sexually attracted to you is a crucial skill for any man navigating the dating world. 

Women can be shy when it comes to expressing their desires with men. And while it may be complicated at first, there are clear signs that indicate when a woman is sexually...

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Why Can't I Get a Girlfriend? The Real Talk You Need to Hear dating advice Aug 26, 2024

Let's cut to the chase.

If you're reading this, you're probably frustrated like I was.

Dating apps suck, big time.

If you're like me, you've swiped right, sent messages, and maybe even gone on a few dates.

But still, no girlfriend. You're asking yourself,

"Why can't I get a girlfriend? Is there...

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Debunking the "6 6 6 Requirement": It's Not What You Think dating advice reality check Aug 26, 2024

If you've been in the dating pool lately, you've probably heard whispers about the infamous "6 6 6 requirement".

No, we're not talking about some satanic ritual.

This is the misguided belief that to be a catch, you must be 6 feet tall, have a 6-figure income, and sport a 6-pack.

Spoiler alert:...

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Four Key Reasons She Flaked On Your First Date (And How To Prevent It) beginners dating advice Aug 21, 2024

It's tough out there in the dating world. One of the most frustrating parts is dealing with flakes. I think we all know who they are.

A flake is someone who cancels plans, changes plans, or doesn't show up without a valid reason. They may be unreliable, disorganized, or simply not interested in...

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What to Text When a Girl Doesn't Reply: A Dating Coach's Guide beginners dating advice Aug 17, 2024

So, you've matched with a girl online; things were going great, and suddenly... radio silence.

Before you start overthinking or sending a barrage of messages, let's break down what's going on and how to handle it like a pro.

Why Women Don't Always Respond Right Away

First things first, let's get...

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How To Know When She's The One: 7 Telltale Signs dating advice Aug 17, 2024

So you're wondering if you've found "the one," huh?

Well, you're not alone.

Figuring out if your partner is your forever person can be tricky, but don't worry - I've got your back. Let's dive into seven signs that might tell you she's the real deal.

1. You're Not Playing the Comparison Game...

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