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Three Photos You Need To Have On Your Dating Profile

dating advice dating apps photos Aug 31, 2024
Three Photos You Need To Have On Your Dating Profile

In the world of online dating, outstanding profile photos can make all the difference between looking at an empty screen with zero likes and being flooded with messages from girls.

With Hinge and other dating apps as popular as ever, it's crucial to stand out with high-quality images showcasing your best features and personality.

This comprehensive guide will dive into various aspects of creating an impressive set of dating photos. We'll explore how to:

  1. Capture a captivating headshot by selecting perfect locations and lighting conditions while dressing appropriately for maximum attractiveness
  2. Discuss techniques for showcasing your full body through well-chosen outfits and flattering angles
  3. Show you how to effectively display your unique personality through activity photos by picking representative activities and capturing candid moments during those pursuits.

The Importance of a Great Headshot

Your headshot is the most important photo on your dating profile. It should be the first thing people will see, and it sets the tone for the rest of your profile. A great headshot should be clear, well-lit, and show your face in a flattering way. It's important to avoid using filters or heavy editing, as this can distort your features and make you look less like yourself.

You should consider choosing photos where you present yourself well, whether that's by having a solid sense of style or portraying an interesting part of your personality. Another factor to consider is the background. A photo will be considerably more dynamic with a great background than a standard business headshot. We're on dating apps, not LinkedIn people.

Choosing the Perfect Location and Lighting

When selecting a location for your headshot, consider places with natural light that provide an interesting yet non-distracting background. Outdoor settings like parks or beaches are excellent choices because they offer soft lighting that enhances facial features without casting harsh shadows. If you're taking photos indoors, position yourself near windows during daytime hours to take advantage of sunlight streaming through.

  • Parks: Greenery provides an appealing backdrop while allowing focus on your face.
  • Beaches: The open space offers ample light and creates a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Cafes: A cozy setting adds warmth to your image while showcasing personal interests (e.g., coffee lovers).
  • Rooftops: Provides a nice landscape, shows that you like to travel, and that you appreciate good views.

Dressing Appropriately for an Attractive Headshot

Your outfit plays a significant role in making sure you look sharp in your headshot. Opting for simple yet stylish clothing allows viewers to concentrate on what matters most - your lovely face. Here are some tips when choosing attire for that perfect shot:

  1. Select solid colors over patterns: Solid colors help draw attention to your face instead of distracting people away from it.
  2. Dress for the occasion: If you're seeking like-minded individuals, wear something that reflects your career or industry.
  3. Consider fit and comfort: Well-fitting clothes make you appear polished and confident. Plus, feeling comfortable in your outfit will help you exude genuine ease during the photo session.

Note: All examples seen here were taken on an iPhone with portrait mode. A DSLR or a professional photographer is not necessary when you are just starting.

Here's an example of a good and a bad "headshot". You can see on the left that I'm outside and dressed well. I have a polished sense of style and I look happy. The colors in the photo are bright and dynamic, all adding up to the fact to make a solid headshot.

Comparatively, in the photo on the right, I don't look happy to be taking the photo. I'm clearly in my room, not doing anything interesting, and the background is very plain. Not to mention my eyes look a little red. These are the little things that are going to separate you from having tons of matches to having almost none at all.

One important thing to remember is that your pictures need to be congruent with who you are as a person. If you're someone who likes to dress up and look polished, a headshot in a suit or dress can be a great choice.

On the other hand, if you're more of a casual dresser, a photo in a t-shirt and jeans can be just as effective as long as your clothing fits you well and matches the scenery. Ultimately, your headshot should feel authentic to who you are, and what you're looking for in a partner - regardless of whether it's casual sex or a life partner.

Showcasing Your Full Body In Dating Photos

Along with a headshot, it's important to include a full body picture on your dating profiles. This photo gives potential matches a better idea of your body type and physical appearance and can help you stand out from other profiles that only feature headshots or selfies.

However, it's important to choose a full-body photo that is both flattering and accurate. Avoid photos that are overly posed or heavily edited, as these can be misleading and lead to disappointment later on. No Snapchat filters on your photos, it's not cute. This helps build trust with women who want transparency when browsing profiles online.

Picking the Right Outfit for a Full Body Shot

When selecting an outfit for your full body shot, consider how it will represent you in terms of style and personality. Opt for clothing items that make you feel comfortable and confident, as this will translate into the photo itself. For a more casual look, opt for wardrobe staples such as jeans or chinos with a fitting top or knit.

  • Avoid overly busy patterns or logos - they can be distracting in photos.
  • Choose colors that complement your skin tone and hair color.
  • If possible, have multiple outfits ready so you can experiment with different looks during the shoot.

Finding the Best Angle and Pose

The right angle and pose can make all the difference between an average full-body shot and one that stands out on dating apps. To find your best angle:

  1. Experiment: Try taking pictures from various angles (front-facing, side-profiles) to see which showcases your features most effectively.
  2. Maintain good posture: Stand up straight with your shoulders back and chest out - this will make you appear more confident and attractive in the photo.
  3. Relax: Don't force a pose that feels unnatural or uncomfortable. Instead, opt for a casual stance that reflects your personality.

If you're not sure how to pose, hire a professional photographer who can offer advice on the best poses for your body type and help create dating photos that show off all of your features. If you can afford it, they'll be able to provide valuable feedback on what works best for your body type and help capture images that showcase your full potential.

Choosing a Full Body Shot For Your Dating Profile

When choosing a full-body picture, look for one that shows off your personality and interests. For example, if you're someone who loves to travel, a photo of you standing in front of a famous landmark can be a great choice. If you're more of a homebody, a photo of you cooking in the kitchen or lounging on the couch can be just as effective.

The key is to choose a photo that feels authentic to you and your lifestyle. Just like the headshot, you need to make sure that your clothes fit you well and that the background is interesting.

Here is another example of an acceptable full-body shot, and a bad one. Can you guess the reasons why?

In the first photo, you can tell I seem extremely happy. I was taking a picture of someone while I was exploring Washington Square Park. The picture shows that I'm friendly and easy to get along with, and I like to be social. I'm also wearing a simple, well-fitting all black outfit that's flattering to my frame. The colors in the photo are bright, and other than the fact that I'm wearing sunglasses it's a solid photo.

In the second photo, everything about it screams doom or gloom. The grey sky in the background makes everything look more ominous. I'm clearly posing for a photo - and I look tired (and probably frustrated) with the fact that I'm taking a photo. While my clothes fit me well, nothing about the photo screams: "This is a guy that I want to meet."

Revealing Your Personality Through Activity Photos

An activity photo on your dating profile gives viewers insight into your hobbies, interests, and lifestyle choices. By showcasing these aspects of yourself through high-quality images related to activities you genuinely enjoy doing, you'll attract people who share similar values or find them appealing. However, it's important to choose an activity photo that is both engaging and attractive. Avoid dating photos that are blurry or poorly lit, as these can be distracting and unappealing.

Let's dive into how to select the perfect activity photos for your profile.

Selecting Activities That Truly Represent You

When choosing an activity photo for your dating profile, think about what you love to do in your free time. Do you have a passion for hiking? Are you an avid reader? Maybe cooking is more up your alley. Whatever it may be, make sure the activities showcased in these photos are true representations of who you are as a person. This will assist possible suitors in forming a more complete understanding of the individual they could come to know.

Here are some example activities so you can understand what I mean:

  • Hiking: A picture taken at the summit with a breathtaking view behind would be ideal.
  • Reading: Capture yourself engrossed in a book at a cozy cafe or local library.
  • Cooking: Show off those culinary skills by taking action shots while preparing delicious meals.

Capturing Candid Moments During Those Activities

Avoid overly posed or staged pictures that might come across as fake or disingenuous. Instead, aim for candid moments where someone else has captured the shot - this makes it feel more authentic and genuine. Here are some tips on capturing candid moments during various activities:

  1. Be natural and relaxed, allowing your true personality to shine through.

  2. Ask a friend or family member to take the photo, so you don't have to worry about awkward selfies.

  3. Choose high-quality images that are well-lit and clear. Blurry photos won't do you any favors.

Incorporating activity photos into your dating profile not only showcases your interests but also helps paint a more vivid picture of who you are as an individual. By selecting activities that truly represent you and capturing candid moments during those activities, potential matches will get a better understanding of what makes you unique - increasing the likelihood of finding someone who shares similar values and interests.


Here is an example of a good activity photo and one that could be better. In both photos I seem very engaged in the activity I'm doing. However, the first picture tells more of a story than the second photo and doesn't have any parts of the photo that really take away from it. The only thing I think that would add to it would be if I was wearing a cool apron.

In the second photo, you can tell I'm in my garage or basement. The boxes and brick walls make the picture look a bit boring, whereas if I was working out in a nice commercial gym with mirrors and great lighting, it would make all the difference. Also, we don't give feet pics for free.


Creating a successful dating profile starts with choosing the right photos. A great headshot, full body shot, and activity photo can help showcase your personality and attract potential matches. When selecting your photos, consider factors such as lighting, location, outfit choice, and capturing candid moments during activities that truly represent you.

Dating photography doesn't have to be hard. If you're struggling to find the perfect dating profile photos on your own or want professional assistance in capturing the best possible shots for online dating success, consider checking out some of our classes. We specialize in helping men create standout profiles that reflect their personalities and appeal to women.

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