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How to Ask for a Girl's Number: A No BS Guide

dating advice Sep 07, 2024
How to Ask for a Girl's Number: A No BS Guide

Ever stood there, heart racing, trying to figure out how to ask for a girl's number? I've been there. It's nerve-wracking. But it doesn't have to be. 

Let's cut through the noise and get to what works.

The Setup

First, you have to vibe with her. Avoid cheesy pickup lines and focus on building a serious connection.

Your goal in the first few minutes is to find a moment to make an emotional impact. Find a reason for you to be memorable to her. You can do this by:

  • Making her laugh
  • Connecting with her about something you both have in common
  • Being a little flirty

Talk. Laugh. Connect.

And while you're talking to her, look for the normal signs a girl is into you!

Ask yourself the following questions:

Is she laughing at your jokes?

Is her body turned towards you when you're talking?

Is she asking you questions and engaging in the conversation?

When most of these things happen, and you feel that spark, it's game time.

Things To Check For Before Asking

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of qualification, it's super important when building attraction. Women should meet certain criteria before you are excited to take them out on a date.

Common things to check for are:

  • Their relationship status (are they single? If not, are you okay with that?)
  • Logistics (does she live in the same area as you? Is she a tourist?)
  • Is she interested? (is she showing all the common signs a girl is interested that we mentioned before?)

Once you've checked for these things, it's time to go for the kill.

How To Ask For Her Number

When the moment feels right, it's time to make your move. Here are a few smooth ways to ask for her number:

  1. The Direct Approach: "I've enjoyed talking with you. We should continue this conversation over coffee sometime!"
    • Make plans first, then ask for her number or Instagram once you have plans.
  2. The Future Plans Approach: "You mentioned you love hiking. I know a great trail that I think you'd enjoy. Do you want to go on a hike sometime?"
    • The goal is to set up the plans first, then have the number be a reason to communicate about confirming you're meeting.
  3. The Time Constraint Approach: "I hate to cut this short, but I've got to run. I'd love to continue our chat later. What's the best way to reach you?"
    • This works best if either of you is in a rush but still wants to make something happen. However, it is unlikely to work unless you can make an emotional impact quickly.

Remember, confidence and genuine interest are key. Whichever approach you choose, deliver it with a smile and maintain eye contact.

Handling Rejection Gracefully

Not every attempt will be successful, and that's okay.

If she declines to give you her number, respect her decision and bow out gracefully. A simple "No problem, it was great talking with you" maintains your dignity and leaves a positive impression.

A girl's worst nightmare is a guy who can't take a hint and leave her alone.

Don't be that guy.

Beyond the Number: How To Set Up A Date

Getting her number is just the first step. To turn that number into a real date, follow these tips:

  1. Don't wait. Send her a text within 24 hours
  2. Keep your first message light and reference something from your conversation
  3. Suggest a specific date idea rather than a vague "we should hang out sometime"
  4. Be yourself and continue to show genuine interest in getting to know her

An example of what your first message could be is

"Hey [Name], it's [Your Name]. Great meeting you at [place]. Let's grab that coffee this week."

Once you do that, the ball is in her court, and you should be proud that you took action. This will only move you closer to getting a girlfriend you're excited about.

For more advanced texting strategies, my Modern Texting Masterclass can help you navigate the often tricky world of texting girls from real life and dating apps.

Wrapping It Up

Learning how to ask for a girl's number is about more than just memorizing pickup lines or techniques.

It's about developing the confidence to approach women, the social skills to engage in meaningful conversation, and the emotional intelligence to read and respond to social cues.

Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow. Even if you don't get her number, you're building valuable experience to serve you well in future encounters.

If you're struggling to make connections with women on dates, my article on why you can't get a girlfriend might help you self-reflect and fix some of your issues.

With practice and persistence, asking for a girl's number will become second nature. So get out there, be your authentic self, and take action!

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