$197.00 USD

The Perfect First Date Masterclass

Learn our strategy to have the perfect first date!

What you'll get:

1. Preparation and Planning

  • Choosing the Right Venue: Learn how to select a location that sets the perfect tone for your date, considering factors like ambiance, convenience, and mutual interests.
  • Creating a Memorable Plan: Develop a date plan incorporating unique and thoughtful activities to make a lasting impression.

2. Effective Communication Skills

  • Balancing Talking and Listening: Learn how to share about yourself while encouraging your date to open up.
  • Asking the Right Questions: Develop skills to ask meaningful questions that lead to deeper conversations and connections.

3. Ending the Date on a High Note

  • Expressing Interest in a Follow-Up: Strategies for indicating your interest in seeing your date again without coming on too strong.
  • Follow-Up Communication: Get tips on how to follow up after the date, including timing and what to say.
  • First Date Routine:
    Get my first date routine that gets me and my clients second dates over 60% of the time.