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Why Can't I Get a Girlfriend? The Real Talk You Need to Hear

dating advice Aug 26, 2024
Why Can't I Get a Girlfriend? The Real Talk You Need to Hear

Let's cut to the chase.

If you're reading this, you're probably frustrated like I was.

Dating apps suck, big time.

If you're like me, you've swiped right, sent messages, and maybe even gone on a few dates.

But still, no girlfriend. You're asking yourself,

"Why can't I get a girlfriend? Is there something wrong with me?"

Trust me, I've been there.

After spending so much time breaking down my dates, the dates of my clients, and so much more, I've gotten a real idea of why things aren't working out. Let's get into it.

First Things First: Are You Really Working on Yourself?

Yeah, yeah, I know.

"Work on yourself" is the dating advice equivalent of "live, laugh, love."

But hear me out.

When I was single, I thought I was a hot commodity. I had a high-paying six-figure job, worked out occasionally, was over six feet tall, and could hold a conversation. Most people liked who I was, and women occasionally checked out me.

Girlfriend material, right?


Here's what "working on yourself" actually means:

  1. Get your shit together. Seriously. Have goals, ambitions, and a plan to achieve them.
  2. Develop interests that don't involve Netflix or video games. (Nothing wrong with those, but they shouldn't be your whole personality.)
  3. Learn to communicate. And no, texting doesn't count.
  4. Take care of your mental health. Therapy isn't just for "crazy" people. It's for anyone who wants to understand themselves better.

Trust me, when you start doing these things, you become magnetic. Not because you're trying to impress anyone but because you're genuinely interesting.

Check Your Beliefs at the Door

Let me ask you something:

Do you actually believe you deserve a girlfriend?

Be honest.

If you're carrying around beliefs like "I'm not good enough" or "Women only want jerks," you're shooting yourself in the foot before you even start.

These beliefs are like a crappy Instagram filter for your life. They color everything you see and do. And guess what? People can sense that negativity.

Try this:

1. Write down your current beliefs about dating. Be as ruthless as you want.
2. Now, imagine your best friend told you they believed those things. What would you say to them?
3. That's what you need to start telling yourself.

It's not easy to change these beliefs, but it's possible.

The Hard Truth: It Takes Time

In the age of instant everything, we expect relationships to happen as quickly as an Amazon delivery.

Sorry to break it to you, but that's not how it works.

Finding the right person takes time. Sometimes, a lot of time. And that's okay.

Here's what you need to remember:

  • Every "failed" date is a learning experience. What went well? What didn't? Use that info.
  • Dating apps are tools, not magic wands. Use them, but don't rely on them exclusively.
  • Rejection is part of the process. It's not about you. It's about fit.
  • Stay open. The right person might come along when you least expect it.

And hey, while you're waiting, why not enjoy your life?

Travel, learn new skills, and hang out with friends. A full life is attractive.

Managing the Frustration

Dating can suck sometimes. I thought about it every other day while looking for a relationship.

But I feel people forget that it's okay to feel frustrated, angry, or disappointed. What's not okay is letting those feelings turn you into a bitter asshole.

Here are some good ways to deal with those feelings:

  • Vent to your friends. That's what they're there for. Just don't let it become your only topic of conversation.
  • Take breaks when you need to. Dating burnout is real.
  • Focus on other parts of your life. Remember that whole "work on yourself" thing?
  • Learn to manage your emotions. It's a skill, and you can get better at it.

Remember, your relationship status doesn't determine your worth. You're valuable because of who you are and your value to the world, girlfriend or no girlfriend.

The Bottom Line

So, why can't you get a girlfriend? It could be a lot of things.

Maybe you're not putting yourself out there enough.

Perhaps you're putting out the wrong vibes.

Maybe you just haven't met the right person yet.

But here's what I know: Focusing on this question isn't helping you. Instead, focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

Not for some hypothetical future girlfriend, but for you.

And hey, there are plenty of perks to being single. Enjoy them while you can. Because one day, you might find yourself in a relationship, looking back on these days with a mix of nostalgia and relief.

Keep your head up, work on yourself, and put yourself out there. When the time is right, the right person will come along.

And in the meantime? You've got a pretty awesome life to live.

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