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What to Wear to Speed Dating To Make A Great First Impression

dating advice first date Aug 16, 2024
What to Wear to Speed Dating To Make A Great First Impression

Speed dating is all about making strong first impressions in a short amount of time. If you're going to a speed dating event soon, you must ensure you're looking your best and feeling confident.

You don't have to overhaul your style completely. It's about putting your best foot forward while still authentically being yourself.

Let's dive in.

Fit is King

Alright, listen up. The number one rule here is fit.

It doesn't matter if you're wearing a $1,000 outfit or something off the clearance rack - if it doesn't fit right, it's not doing you any favors. 

Why does it matter? Well, properly fitting clothes accentuate your best features and downplay any areas you're less confident about. They show that you care about your appearance and have an eye for detail.

Plus, when your clothes fit well, you'll feel more comfortable and confident, which will shine through in your interactions.

So, what does a good fit look like?

Your shirt or sweater shouldn't billow out when tucked in, and the shoulder seams should sit right at the edge of your shoulders.

Here's a great example of how a dress shirt should look:

Your pants should sit comfortably at your waist without needing a belt to hold them up and not bunch up at the ankles.

Otherwise, you'll end up looking like someone's unstylish uncle.

Take the time to try things on, and consider getting clothes tailored, especially if you wear them often. 

Trust me, it's worth the effort.

Keep it Simple & Classy

You might be tempted to pull out all the stops and wear your nicest outfit. But here's the thing - less is often more in speed dating. You want to look put-together without seeming like you're trying too hard.

A well-fitted button-up shirt with nice dark jeans or chinos is a solid foundation. It's versatile and classic, showing you how to dress well without being overly fussy. If you want to elevate the look, throw on a blazer. This combo perfectly balances casual and dressy, suitable for most speed dating venues.

Why does this matter? Because you want your personality to be the star of the show, not your clothes. Your outfit should complement you, not overshadow you. Plus, a classic look is timeless - you'll look back at photos years from now and still think,

"Damn, I looked good!"

Stick To Colors That Work

Choosing the right colors can significantly affect how you look and feel.

Stick to colors that complement your skin tone. Men can't go wrong with earth tones like deep browns, forest greens, or rich burgundies.

Navy and charcoal are classic choices, too.

If you want to get more specific, you can also choose color combos that compliment your look.

If you have dark hair and light skin, you have a higher contrast and will look better in high-contrast outfits and darker colors. On the other hand, lighter/monochromatic looks can easily wash you out.

If you have light hair and light skin, you are low-contrast and will look better in a low-contrast outfit. Contrasting outfits will look harsh on you.

Black and Indian men tend to favor more high-contrast looks, but they also suit bold colors and singular statement pieces very well.

Hopefully, these examples show you why colors matter. The right colors can enhance your natural features, making you look more vibrant and healthy.

If you're feeling a bit bolder, subtle patterns can add some interest without being overwhelming. Think fine stripes - nothing too loud or distracting.

Shoes Matter Too

I can't stress this enough: your shoes can make or break your outfit. They're often one of the first things people notice, so you want to ensure they're sending the right message.

Clean, minimalist sneakers can work great for a more casual vibe. Think classic white leather sneakers or something similarly sleek. My favorite shoes are my black Chelsea boots.

If you want to dress up your outfit, consider some nice leather shoes—oxfords, brogues, or loafers are all excellent options.

Shoes can be a conversation starter, even outside of speed dates. So make sure they're clean and in good shape.

Don't wear any scuffed-up kicks. Polish the leather shoes or clean those sneakers. It might seem like a small detail, but it can significantly affect the overall look.

Wear Some Accessories (But Don't Go Crazy)

Accessories are like seasoning in a good meal—they can enhance the overall flavor, but too much can ruin the dish. A watch is always a good choice. It's functional, stylish, and subtly communicates that you're a guy who values his time (and, by extension, your date's time).

Maybe add a nice belt that matches your shoes. Paying attention to your accessories shows you care about details and how to assemble an outfit. If you wear glasses, consider them part of your accessory game, too—make sure they suit your face and are clean.

But don't go overboard—we're not trying to look like a Christmas tree here. One or two quality pieces are all you need. Over-accessorizing can make you look try-hard or flashy. You want to appear put-together, not like you're compensating for something.

Pay Attention To Your Grooming

Grooming isn't strictly about clothes, but it's crucial. Get a good haircut a few days before the event - this gives you time to get used to it and settle naturally. Tame that facial hair - whether clean-shaven, rocking stubble, or sporting a full beard, make sure it's intentional and well-maintained.

Consider using a bit of product to style your hair. Nothing too crazy—you don't want to look like you've got a helmet on—just enough to keep things neat and in place.

And please, for the love of all that is holy, don't douse yourself in cologne.

A light application is more than enough.


You want to smell good when someone leans in close, not knock them out from across the table. Plus, some people are sensitive to strong scents.

Grooming matters because it shows you take care of yourself. It demonstrates self-respect and attention to detail. Plus, when you know you're well-groomed, you'll feel more confident, and that confidence will shine through in your interactions.

Wrapping It Up

Remember, the goal here is to look like the best version of yourself. You want your dates to focus on your winning personality, not be distracted by what you wear. Please keep it simple, classy, and, most importantly, be yourself.

Following these guidelines will help you create an outfit that looks and feels great. You'll be comfortable, confident, and ready to make great first impressions. Now go out there and knock 'em dead.

You've got this.

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