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5 Spicy First Date Questions To Ask On Your Next Date

dating advice first date Feb 28, 2024
5 Spicy First Date Questions To Ask On Your Next Date

I was scrolling through our when I saw someone comment that first dates are nerve-wracking.

Embarking on a first date can be a thrilling journey filled with anticipation, nerves, and potential for lasting relationships.

But it's not anything you need to stress about! The only things that you need to do to ensure your first date is memorable, is to:

  1. Build sexual tension

  2. Keep the conversation engaging with spicy first-date questions.

In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of first impressions and how you can ask five of our best questions to add excitement to your first date.

The Significance of First Impressions

First impressions are vital in shaping the course of a new relationship. They can easily set the tone and frame for future conversations and interactions, significantly influencing the comfort level and connection between two people.

Questions are a powerful tool for doing precisely that. Thoughtful and engaging questions can help you understand a woman's values, interests, and personality, creating a foundation for a deeper connection.

Setting the Tone For The First Date

It's essential that you use these questions in a way that doesn't come off like an interview. There's nothing more evident than when a guy goes on a date with notes of questions to ask on his phone.

It would be best if you were in the moment. When you do that, you can strike a good balance between curiosity, respect, and interest, which will foster genuine conversation.

Avoid talking about hot topics like past relationships and politics or talking too much about sexual topics.

If you're dating to find a girlfriend, the first date should not be focused on building genuine connections, not physical intimacy.

When used appropriately, the flirty first date questions I will share with you can build a comfortable environment. They tend to inject a playful element into the conversation or provide an easy opportunity to open up about something she doesn't usually discuss.

The 5 Spicy Questions

Question 1: What's something coming up that you're looking forward to?

Why it works: I like the question because it opens the door to various topics. Vacations, meals, events.

It can give you an idea of what she's into and give good tangents to explore during your conversation.

Question 2: What was the last adventure you went on, and why was it an adventure?

Why it works: This question is excellent because it allows you to connect with exciting stories.

A fun tip to make things more flirty is to make assumptions about her as she tells her story. Often, she'll correct herself, and it'll make for fun little moments during your date.

Question 3: What's the craziest thing you'd still like to try?

Why it works: This question is good at spicing up the conversation. I've heard all sorts of sexual answers from this one, like skinny dipping, a one-night stand at a festival, threesomes, and more.

It comes off way more natural than randomly asking a girl what her "biggest turn-on" is.

The best part of this question is that you frame it as things she would still like to try, which leaves opportunities to make things even more flirty or even a crazy next date ;)

Question 4: What was your weirdest online dating experience?

Why it works: If you haven't picked up on it already, I love questions that allow you to tell funny stories. Stories allow you to bond and show a different charismatic side of yourself.

They also allow you to display a sense of humor that is hard to pick up on via dating apps.

Question 5: What made you interested in meeting me in the first place?

Why it works: This question works for several reasons:

  1. It allows you to get a better understanding of why she likes you.

  2. It builds up your confidence, especially if you're starting dating again.

  3. You can flip the question on her and qualify her on the traits you find attractive in a woman.

What else could you ask for?


The questions you ask on a first date set the tone for the rest of the date (and the potential dates after it).

But remember that you shouldn't try to use all of these questions on your first date. Too many flirty questions in one go will be overwhelming and might give her the wrong idea of what you're looking for.

Read her cues, and redirect conversations to one of these questions if you see a proper chance. That's how you get the best out of them and ensure you are both on the same page.

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