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9 Subtle Signs Your Coworker Likes You

dating advice Sep 07, 2024
9 Subtle Signs Your Coworker Likes You

Have you ever wondered if that friendly smile from your coworker means something more?

You're not alone! Many of us spend a significant portion of our lives at work, so it's natural to develop feelings for coworkers despite it being taboo.

But how can you tell if those feelings are mutual? Let's dive into the subtle (and not-so-subtle) signs that your coworker might be interested in you.

1. They Go Out of Their Way to Spend Time with You

Does your coworker always seem to be around? Maybe they:

  • Frequently stop by your desk for a chat
  • Suggest grabbing lunch together
  • Volunteer for projects you're involved in

If you notice them making excuses to be near you, it could be a sign they're interested in more than just workplace camaraderie. This behavior is similar to how people act on first dates when trying to make a good impression.

2. Their Body Language Speaks Volumes

Remember this cardinal rule: Pay more attention to what she does, than what she says.

Actions often speak louder than words, especially at work. Keep an eye out for these telltale signs:

  • Maintaining eye contact longer than usual
  • Mirroring your body posture
  • Finding reasons to touch you (like a light tap on the shoulder)
  • Facing their body towards you during conversations

Everyone's different, so these signs alone don't guarantee attraction. But they're definitely worth noting! For more insights on body language and attraction, check out my guide on the signs a woman is attracted to you.

3. They Remember the Little Things

Has your coworker surprised you by remembering your coffee order or your favorite snack? This level of attention to detail could indicate they're paying extra attention to you. It might look like:

  • Bringing you your favorite treat from the vending machine
  • Remembering a story you told them weeks ago
  • Noticing when you change your hairstyle or wear a new outfit

These small gestures can add up to a big sign of interest.

4. They Laugh at Your Jokes (Even the Bad Ones)

We've all had that moment where we tell a joke that falls flat... except for that one person who always seems to find it hilarious.

I know I have, to the point where people I'm close to have told me to stop trying to be funny. 😆

If your coworker consistently laughs at your jokes – even the ones that make everyone else groan – it could be a sign they're trying to connect with you on a deeper level.

5. They Open Up About Their Personal Life

While it's normal for coworkers to chat about their lives outside of work, pay attention to how much they share with you. If they confide in you about personal matters or share their hopes and dreams, it could mean they see you as more than just a colleague. This level of openness is often seen in successful relationships.

6. They Ask for Your Opinion... A Lot

Does your coworker seem to value your input on everything from work projects to what they should have for lunch? This could be a sign that they:

  • Respect your judgment
  • Want to involve you in their decision-making process
  • Are looking for reasons to talk to you

It's a subtle way of showing that your thoughts and opinions matter to them.

7. They Find Ways to Connect Outside of Work

Has your coworker suggested grabbing coffee on the weekend or invited you to dinner or a non-work event? This could be their way of testing the waters and seeing if you're interested in spending time together outside of the office.

Several years ago, I saw this really cute girl named Michelle at my office. We ran into each other at the coffee station and made small talk several times. The following Friday, I asked her if she'd be down to grab dinner with me after work.

We had dinner and got to know each other properly. I was super nervous, and I ended up fumbling when I went for a kiss. We didn't end up dating but she said she appreciated my confidence to ask her out, and wished more people felt comfortable doing so.

Hopefully, this gives you some confidence that you can make something happen with your workplace crush.

8. Their Friends at Work Act Differently Around You

Sometimes, the biggest clues come from the people around your coworker.

If their work friends start acting differently when you're around – maybe they giggle, go quiet, or give knowing looks – it could be because they know something you don't.

I can't stress this enough: pay a lot attention to what women do. Actions speak very loudly.

9. They're Always Happy to See You

Ever notice how some people's faces light up when they see someone they really like?

This is super telling at work, where we often try to look professional all the time. If your coworker seems really happy whenever they see you, it might mean they like you. Here's what to look for:

  • Their eyes light up: It's called "smizing" - smiling with your eyes. If their eyes crinkle and seem to sparkle when they look at you, that's a good sign.
  • They smile more: We smile more around people we like. If your coworker smiles bigger or more often with you than with others, they might have special feelings for you.
  • They perk up when you arrive: Do they sit up straighter or get more lively when you show up? This often means they're extra interested in you.
  • They always say hi: It's easy to ignore people in a busy office. If your coworker always makes time to greet you, even when they're busy, you're important to them.
  • They seem happier around you: If you notice your presence cheers them up, especially on tough days, it could mean they like you.

Remember, some people are just friendly to everyone. The key is to notice if they act differently with you than with other coworkers.

Also, keep in mind that these signs could mean they just see you as a good friend or great coworker. The best way to know for sure is to talk about it, maybe outside of work.

If you're seeing these signs and you like them too, you might want to take things further.

Check out our my on how to ask for a girl's number for some tips. You can use these ideas at work too, to maybe turn your work friendship into something more.

Wrapping It Up

Figuring out if a coworker likes you can feel like solving a puzzle. But now you've got some solid clues to work with! Let's recap the main signs:

  1. They make time for you
  2. Their body language is open and focused on you
  3. They remember little things about you
  4. They laugh at your jokes (even the bad ones)
  5. They share personal stuff with you
  6. They often ask what you think
  7. They want to hang out outside of work
  8. Their work friends act differently around you
  9. They always seem happy to see you

Remember, everyone's different. Some people might show all these signs and just be super friendly. Others might be shy and only show one or two signs even if they really like you.

The most important thing is to keep it professional at work. Office romances can be tricky, so think carefully before making a move. If you decide to go for it, it's usually best to talk about it outside of work hours. Good luck!

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