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5 Clear Signs A Woman Is Sexually Attracted to You

beginners dating advice Aug 29, 2024
5 Clear Signs A Woman Is Sexually Attracted to You

Understanding signs a woman is sexually attracted to you is a crucial skill for any man navigating the dating world. 

Women can be shy when it comes to expressing their desires with men. And while it may be complicated at first, there are clear signs that indicate when a woman is sexually attracted to you.

Recognizing these signs in person is even more crucial because it allows you to gauge whether the attraction is mutual and gives you the confidence to make a move. By being aware of these signals, you can avoid looking like a creep or missing out on new dating opportunities with women.

Understanding Sexual Tension

Before we can dive into these signals, we need to understand what sexual tension is. 

Sexual tension is the energy exchange that happens when two people interact and feel sexual desire, but no sexual activity happens. It's more about that anticipation leading up to sex rather than the act itself. 

Imagine you go to a party with your friend. After chatting for a bit, your friend meets a girl. Something feels electric between them. The way they look at each other. A split second more than the "normal" amount of prolonged eye contact when you first meet someone. That time was spent with no justification for continuing to stare. 

You stand there confused, as they have this look that makes you want to fill the awkward silence with a "...hello?"

That is sexual tension.

Once you experience it for the first time, it can be easy to identify in other conversations. You can spot the "silent crushes" in a group of 30 or more people.

If you're feeling this sort of tension with a woman, I promise you that she's sexually attracted. It'll be even better when you learn how to create sexual tension.

However, like I said before, women tend to be shy when expressing their feelings - so it won't always be this obvious. Here are some more subtle signs that you can look out for.

1. She Likes To Stay Close To You

It's common knowledge that if someone likes you, they will stand around you more often. But if you think about it, she may be moving closer to you because she wants to be able to touch you.

Whether it's a touch on the sleeve, a playful push on the shoulder, or resting her hand on yours, it's a sign that she wants to be closer to you in whatever feels socially acceptable at that time.

Of course, this isn't a guarantee - just because a woman gets close to you means she wants to have sex with you. Understand that if she willingly moves into your space without a reason for her to do so, there is most likely sexual interest there.

2. She Makes Time For You

Let's make something clear. In this day and age, people have SO many distractions. Women are constantly bombarded by notifications from social media apps, managing their careers, personal life, and family. 

She could be traveling the country, going to a show, watching television in her comfy room. But instead of doing all that or making plans on her Friday night, she decided to take a chance and spend a first date with YOU at your favorite bar.

That should be a good sign for you. If a woman consistently prioritizes time with you and is always down when you invite her out, she's attracted to you.

3. She Teases You

Teasing is one of the best ways to build sexual attraction with a woman.

It often can show whether you have a genuine connection with her and whether she feels comfortable enough with you to become her naturally playful self.

Think about it - before you tease someone, you need to feel comfortable around them. So, if a woman is teasing you, you need to be ready to tease her back.

Here are three ways you can tease her:

  1. Make light of something she's doing or said
  2. Misinterpret things she says, commonly using sexual innuendos
  3. Mock her tone of voice or things she says. Think of phrases like "Nobody's perfect."

These teases work well because they show you're not conforming to this "nice guy" behavior. You're playful, fun, and witty - and you're not afraid to disagree with her on something and call her out when she does something silly. Throw in some physical contact, and you're golden.

Remember, that takes confidence - and we all know confidence is attractive.

4. She Touches You A Lot

We just talked about how if a woman feels comfortable around you, she will start teasing you. But if she's drawn to you, she will touch you too.

Pay attention to her body language as well. You may notice she will play with her hair or bite her lip when she's around you. These are all common signs.

If a woman puts her hand on your arm, leg, or face, it's an obvious sign she wants to initiate a closer physical connection with you and escalate things further.

5. She Dresses Up For You

Now, it's one thing if the girl you like enjoys dressing up nicely on occasion. But if she consistently goes the extra mile to make her physical appearance the best when she knows you're going to be around, she's attracted to you. Pay attention to things like her hair, clothes, and makeup.

Her makeup would be on-point, her clothes would accentuate her figure, she'd smell terrific, and you might even notice a difference in how she walks.


Dating is tricky. There is so much nuance to understanding women because there's so much more at risk if things go badly for them.

Also, flirting can be fun for everyone involved, which has made "playing hard to get" a common strategy among women. But the keyword there is playing. 

If you can recognize all the signs when a girl is sexually attracted to you, you'll be ready when that girl of your dreams walks into the room. Play your cards right - you got this.


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