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How To Know When She's The One: 7 Telltale Signs

dating advice Aug 17, 2024
How To Know When She's The One: 7 Telltale Signs

So you're wondering if you've found "the one," huh?

Well, you're not alone.

Figuring out if your partner is your forever person can be tricky, but don't worry - I've got your back. Let's dive into seven signs that might tell you she's the real deal.

1. You're Not Playing the Comparison Game Anymore

Remember when you used to check out every girl who walked by?

Yeah, those days are over. Or maybe your girl is checking them out with you. ;)

Sure, you still notice attractive women (you're human, after all), but you're not constantly thinking, "What if?" You're happy with what you've got, and that's pretty awesome.

It's like your brain is telling you, "Dude, you've hit the jackpot!" If you find yourself no longer comparing your partner to others, it's a good sign you're with the right person.

2. She Makes You Feel Like a Million Bucks

You might have struck gold if she constantly makes you feel loved, wanted, and appreciated—both in and out of the bedroom.

It's not just about her saying "thanks" when you do the dishes.

It's about her noticing all the little things you do and genuinely appreciating you for them.

That's a significant green flag, my friend.

3. Home Is Where She Is

You know that feeling when you walk into your place after a long day and just feel relieved?

That's how it should feel when you see her.

If being around her feels like coming home, no matter where you are, you're on the right track. This 'home feeling' strongly indicates that you've found someone special. It's not just about physical comfort - it's an emotional state where you feel completely at ease, accepted, and secure. When you're with her, the outside world and its stresses disappear.

You might look forward to seeing her after a tough day, knowing that her presence alone can lift your spirits. This sense of 'home' often comes with a feeling of longing when you're apart, not out of dependency but because you genuinely enjoy each other's company that much.

4. She "Gets" You (Like, Really Gets You)

Here are some sincere questions you should ask yourself.

Can you be your weird, goofy self around her?

Share your deepest fears?

Geek out about your favorite hobby?

If she understands and accepts all sides of you - the good, the bad, and the nerdy - that's a great sign. Bonus points if she tries to get into your interests because they matter to you.

But let's dive deeper into what it means to truly "get" someone.

It's not just about finishing each other's sentences or knowing each other's coffee orders (though those things are nice, too). It's about a level of emotional intelligence and empathy that allows your girl to tune into your wavelength.

When she "gets" you, she can pick up on your moods without you having to spell it out. She knows when you need space and when you need a hug. She understands your sense of humor, whether quirky or offbeat. And most importantly, she accepts all of these parts of you without trying to change them.

This deep understanding creates a sense of safety in the relationship. You feel free to express yourself without fear of judgment.

You can share your dreams, no matter how wild, and know she'll take them seriously. You can also share your insecurities, knowing she won't use them against you.

Remember, though, that "getting" each other is a two-way street.

While you're considering if she gets you, take a moment to reflect on how well you understand her. Do you pick up on her nonverbal cues? Do you know what makes her tick? Building this mutual understanding is critical to a robust and lasting relationship.

5. Your Arguments Don't Turn into World War III

Let's face it: every couple argues. But if you two can disagree without it turning into a blame game, you're doing something right. It's not about who wins - it's about solving the problem together. If that sounds like you, pat yourself on the back. Healthy arguing is a skill that can significantly improve your relationship.

When you're with "the one," arguments take on a different tone. Instead of hurling accusations, you're more likely to approach disagreements as a team. You both listen actively, trying to understand each other's perspective rather than just waiting for your turn to speak. There's a mutual respect that prevents you from saying hurtful things you'll regret later.

Another sign you're on the right track?

You can disagree without feeling like your whole relationship is on the line. You know that this argument, no matter how heated, doesn't define your entire partnership. There's an underlying trust that you'll work through it together.

Healthy couples also know when to take a breather. If things get too intense, you're both okay with calling a time-out to cool off. And here's the kicker - after the argument is resolved, you don't hold grudges. You can move on without bringing up past conflicts every time you disagree.

Remember, the goal isn't to never argue. It's to argue in a way that strengthens your bond rather than weakens it. If you feel closer to your partner even after working through a disagreement, that's a pretty good sign you've found someone special.

6. She's Got Your Back When the Chips Are Down

Has she seen you at your absolute worst and stuck around? Maybe you were sick as a dog, lost your job, or ugly cried during a movie (hey, no judgment). If she supported you without hesitation and never used it against you later, that's a real connection.

But let's dig deeper into what it means to have someone who has your back. It's not just about being there during the big, apparent crises. It's about consistent support through all of life's ups and downs. When you're with "the one," you feel like you have a partner in crime, a personal cheerleader, and a soft landing spot all rolled into one.

For instance, does she encourage you to pursue that promotion, even if it means working more hours? Does she listen to you when you're stressed about a project, offering both emotional support and practical advice? These are signs of someone who's invested in your success and happiness.

Moreover, a partner who's indeed got your back will challenge you when needed. If you're about to make a decision that might not be in your best interest, she'll have the courage to speak up. She's not just a yes-woman; she's your ally in living your best life.

Remember that time you embarrassed yourself at the company party? If she helped you laugh it off and didn't bring it up again (except maybe for a gentle inside joke between you two), that's a keeper right there. She protects your dignity and helps you maintain self-respect, even when you struggle to do so yourself.

Ultimately, having someone who's got your back means feeling secure. You know that no matter what life throws at you - whether it's a minor setback or a major crisis - you've got a partner who'll face it side by side.

And that kind of security? It's priceless.

7. She's Thoughtful Without Being Asked

Does she bring you coffee in bed sometimes? Or remember to pick up your favorite snack when she's at the store? These little acts of kindness show she's thinking about you and your happiness. That's the good stuff, man.

But thoughtfulness goes beyond just random acts of kindness. It's about a consistent pattern of behavior that shows she's attuned to your needs and wants. It's about her paying attention to the little details that make you, well, you.

For example, maybe she remembers that offhand comment you made about wanting to try rock climbing and surprises you with a beginner's class. Or perhaps she notices you've been stressed at work and takes it upon herself to handle some of your usual chores without making a big deal out of it.

This kind of thoughtfulness isn't about grand gestures or expensive gifts. It's about the small, everyday actions that show that your girl is actively thinking about your well-being. It's her setting your favorite mug out in the morning before you wake up or sending you a funny meme she knows will make you laugh during a tough day.

What makes this particularly special is when it's unprompted. You didn't have to ask or hint - your girl just did it because she thought of you.

It's important to note that thoughtfulness, like many aspects of a relationship, should be reciprocal. While you're noticing her thoughtful gestures, consider whether you're matching them with your own. A relationship where both partners consistently think of ways to make each other's lives a little bit better is a beautiful thing.

Wrapping it up

If you're nodding along to most of these points, congratulations!

Sounds like you've found someone pretty special.

But maybe you're still in the early stages and want to ensure you're on the right track. Or perhaps you're looking to take your relationship from "just dating" to "serious commitment."

Well, you're in luck! I've put together a Dating Retention Masterclass that's all about taking a girl from the first date to seeing her again to making her your girlfriend. It's packed with strategies to help you build and maintain a robust and lasting relationship.

Remember, every relationship is different; these signs aren't guaranteed. But if you're seeing most of these in your relationship, chances are you're on the right path. Trust your gut, keep the communication flowing, and enjoy the ride!

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