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Overcoming First Date Anxiety: Tips to Calm Your Nerves

dating advice first date Oct 13, 2024
Overcoming First Date Anxiety: Tips to Calm Your Nerves

Most advice about first date anxiety is terrible.

Advice like "just be yourself" doesn't work because it doesn't address any real issues you may have.

In this guide, you're going to learn:  

  1. Why your anxiety isn't the enemy (and how to make it your ally)
  2. Practical strategies to crush those pre-date jitters
  3. How to project confidence, even when you're freaking out inside
  4. The post-date mindset that turns every experience into a win

Let's get into it.

Your Anxiety Isn't the Problem. Your Reaction to It Is.

That racing heart? Those sweaty palms? The constant fidgeting?

They're not signs that you're a nervous wreck. They're signs that you're a human being who's about to do something that matters.

Your body can't tell the difference between anxiety and excitement. And it's okay to be excited.

So stop trying to "cure" your anxiety. Instead, redirect it and channel it elsewhere.

But before we get into the how, let's talk about why the advice you've been getting has been setting you up to fail.

Why Traditional Advice Fails Miserably

You've probably heard gems like

"Just relax!" or "Be confident!"

If you're like most people, that didn't work out great for you.

That's because this kind of advice ignores the real reasons behind your anxiety. It's like telling someone with a broken leg to "just walk it off."

Not helpful and kind of insulting.

The truth is, your anxiety comes from a few key places.

Maybe you're afraid of being judged. Or perhaps you're still haunted by that awkward silence from your last date.

Maybe it's the uncertainty – you can't control how the date will go, and that freaks you out.

Or you might be a perfectionist, thinking you need to be flawless to be likable.

Recognizing these root causes is crucial because it allows us to address them head-on. Instead of trying to ignore your anxiety, you should use it as a tool to make your date better.

Why A Little Anxiety Is Good

The reason anxiety is actually not a bad thing for a date is simple: it shows you care. If you weren't invested, you wouldn't be nervous. It keeps you sharp and attentive.

And here's a secret: your date is probably nervous, too. Acknowledging that can break the ice and create a chance for connection.

The key is to shift your mindset. Stop seeing your date as a test you might fail. Instead, see it as an opportunity to learn about someone new, discover if you're compatible, practice your social skills, and have an interesting experience, regardless of the outcome. 

What To Do Before Your First Date

Alright, you've got a new perspective on your anxiety. Now let's talk about how to put that into action before you even step out the door.

Most people's pre-date routine looks something like this: spend an hour picking an outfit, take a shot of alcohol, and hope for the best. If that's you, no judgment – but we're about to upgrade your game a ton.

Your pre-date preparation is where the magic happens. It's your best chance to set yourself up for success, to walk into that date feeling like you've already won.

Here's how to do it:

First up, mental prep.

This isn't about standing in front of a mirror repeating "I am confident" until you believe it. Instead, we're going to do something I call the "Anxiety Audit."

The Anxiety Audit

Grab a piece of paper or your phone and write down everything you're anxious about. Be specific. "I'm worried they won't like me" isn't specific enough.

"I'm worried I'll run out of things to say, and there will be awkward silences" – that's what we're looking for.

Now, for each worry, ask yourself:

"What's the worst that could happen?" and "How would I handle that?"

This isn't about positive thinking – it's about being prepared. When you have a plan for the worst-case scenario, it's a lot less scary.

Next, let's talk about physical preparation. And no, I don't mean spending hours in front of the mirror. I mean taking care of your body in a way that sets you up for success.

Here's a pre-date routine that works wonders:

  1. Get some exercise. Even a 20-minute walk will do. You can even walk to your date. It'll burn off some of that nervous energy and boost your endorphins.
  2. Take a shower. Use it as a mental reset. Let the water wash away your worries and sweat.
  3. Eat something light. An empty stomach will just give you another thing to think about, but a food coma isn't great for witty banter, either.
  4. Choose an outfit you feel great in. Comfort breeds confidence. You're not focusing on your date if you're constantly adjusting your clothes.

Before your date, take 15 minutes to get curious. Look up current events, think about what's been happening in your life lately, and recall any funny stories from your week. The goal isn't to prepare a monologue – just to prime your mind for engaging in conversation.

Remember, a great date is about connection, not performance. Your prep work isn't about impressing your date; it's about putting yourself in a position to be present, engaged, and genuinely you.

Finally, give yourself a pep talk. But not the cheesy kind.

Remind yourself of this:

You're not going on this date to be chosen. You're going to do the choosing. You're there to figure out if this person is a good fit for your life.

That simple shift in mindset can work wonders for your confidence.

By the time you walk out the door, you should feel prepared, not perfect. You've acknowledged your anxieties, prepared for the worst-case scenarios, taken care of your body, and set yourself up for good conversation.

Wrapping It Up

Let's recap what we've covered:

  1. Anxiety on your first date isn't your enemy. It's just energy, and energy can be redirected.
  2. Preparation is key. The Anxiety Audit and pre-date routine I gave you can set you up for success.
  3. When you are in the moment, acknowledge your anxiety, then channel it into genuine curiosity about your date.

But here's the real takeaway: This isn't just about managing anxiety. It's about changing your entire approach to dating.

From now on, you're not going on dates to be chosen. You're going to do the choosing. You're there to figure out if this person fits into your life, not to convince them you're worthy of theirs.

This mindset shift is your secret weapon. It takes the pressure off trying to be perfect and puts the focus where it should be: on building a genuine connection.

So here's your challenge: On your next date, try to connect instead of trying to impress her.

Instead of worrying about what they think of you, focus on what you think of them. Use your anxiety as a reminder to stay present, to ask genuine questions, to really listen.

Remember, every great relationship starts with a first date. And now with these strategies, you're ready to crush yours.

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