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Top 5 Best Books On Dating For Guys

reviews Aug 07, 2024
Top 5 Best Books On Dating For Guys

There are so many dating books out there for men.

Whether it's advice from pickup artists, self-development books, or different relationship styles, there seems to be a book for everything!

I've sifted through tons of dating advice to bring you the cream of the crop.

In my opinion, these are the best books on dating for guys that'll transform your dating life.

Let's get into it.

5. Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson

Why I Recommend It:

Manson's approach is refreshingly honest and focuses on becoming the best version of yourself. No gimmicks, no tricks – just genuine self-improvement and authenticity.

It is at the end of the list because I feel that it can be a bit too general throughout the book. He clearly is trying to reach a wider audience and give advice that can apply to as many people as possible.

A lot of the ideas that he shares I agree with:

  • Relationships are more fulfilling than sleeping around
  • Being honest is better than playing games
  • You shouldn't be afraid to be vulnerable

It's a great book by a man with a very healthy mindset, so I can easily approve of it.

The most impactful message from this book is that vulnerability is true strength. Manson challenges the traditional "macho" mindset with the idea that

"The strongest thing you can do is to be unapologetically yourself."

This concept of radical honesty and self-acceptance runs through the entire book, encouraging men to drop the act and embrace authenticity in all their interactions.

Who This Book is Perfect For:

  • Guys who are tired of playing games and want to build genuine connections
  • Men looking to develop authentic confidence and self-assurance
  • Those who want to improve not just their dating life but their overall personal growth
  • Anyone struggling with fear of rejection or social anxiety in dating situations

4. Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari

Why I Recommend It:

If you've ever felt lost in the world of modern dating, this book can be your GPS. After watching Master of None, I had to give this book a shot, and I really do believe that it lives up to the hype.

Ansari's humor, combined with solid research, makes for an entertaining and enlightening read. It's like having a funny, smart friend guide you through the craziness of dating in the digital age.

One of the most striking concepts in this book is the paradox of choice in modern dating. Ansari points out that while we have more options than ever before, this abundance can lead to indecision and dissatisfaction.

I definitely felt that once I reached a point where my dating profile was performing well.

The book suggests,

"The most meaningful connections happen when we take the time to get to know someone deeply, rather than endlessly swiping for the next best thing."

And that I wholeheartedly agree with. It's a thumbs-up from me.

Who This Book is Perfect For:

  • Millennials and Gen Z daters navigating the world of online dating and apps
  • Anyone feeling overwhelmed or confused by modern dating culture
  • Guys who appreciate a good laugh while learning about relationships
  • Those interested in how technology has changed the landscape of dating and romance

3. How to Be a 3% Man by Corey Wayne

Why I Recommend It:

This book is 100% a classic, and I recommend it to most clients that I work with.

While the book was written in an age where dating apps weren't popular yet, a lot of his core concepts still apply.

Learning how to become unaffected by women's emotions while still coming across as fun and flirty will always be a core takeaway from this book. 

Wayne gives it to you straight, no chaser throughout the entire book.

His advice comes from his own real-world experience and observation from guys he's worked with.

If you're tired of feeling clueless about women and dating, this book can definitely be a wake-up call.

A central theme in Wayne's book is the importance of understanding and embracing your masculine energy.

He emphasizes that "True attraction isn't about what you say, but who you are." The book encourages men to develop their confidence, purpose, and ability to lead in relationships – not through domination but through self-assurance and emotional stability.

Words to live by.

Who This Book is Perfect For:

  • Men who feel they're often friend-zoned or struggle to maintain attraction in relationships
  • Guys looking to understand female psychology better
  • Those wanting to develop their masculine energy and leadership skills in relationships
  • Men who are ready for a no-nonsense, straight-talking approach to dating advice

2. She Comes First by Ian Kerner

Why I Recommend It:

Let's be honest – being good in the bedroom is crucial for any romantic relationship. This book gives you the knowledge and confidence to truly satisfy your partner, which is a win-win for everyone involved.

It teaches you exactly how to make a woman orgasm, from stimulating her clit to a full G-spot orgasm.

It was a total game-changer for me, and every girl I've dated after reading it has definitely thanked me for doing so.

A key message in the book is that "The best lovers are those who prioritize their partner's pleasure over their own." This isn't just about technique; it's about shifting your mindset to one of generosity and attentiveness in all aspects of your relationship.

The more you can deliver to your partner in every way possible, the better the relationship can be.

Who This Book is Perfect For:

  • Men who want to become more confident and skilled lovers
  • Guys in committed relationships looking to enhance sex and satisfaction in their relationship
  • Those who believe that giving pleasure is as important as receiving it
  • Anyone wanting to understand female sexuality better

1. How to Not Die Alone by Logan Ury

Why I Recommend It:

Alright, guys, let me tell you why this book is the crown jewel of our list.

Logan Ury's "How to Not Die Alone" is a game-changer, and here's why: it's not just another dating advice book.

It's a comprehensive guide that combines cutting-edge behavioral science with practical, actionable advice. If you're the kind of guy who likes to understand the 'why' behind things and wants a smart, science-based approach to dating and relationships, this book is your new best friend.

Here are some of the most powerful ideas that I took away from the book:

  • The Decisioner: One of the most compelling ideas in Ury's book is the concept of becoming a "decisioner" in your love life. She argues, "Love isn't something that happens to you; it's something you choose and work for." This empowering message encourages readers to take an active role in their dating lives, making intentional choices rather than passively waiting for the right person to come along.
  • The Three Dating Tendencies: Ury identifies three common dating tendencies: The Romanticizer, The Maximizer, and The Hesitater. Understanding which tendency you fall into can be a real eye-opener, helping you recognize and overcome your specific dating challenges.
  • Behavioral Science in Dating: The book is packed with insights from behavioral science that apply to dating. For instance, Ury explores how cognitive biases like the "sunk cost fallacy" can keep us in unfulfilling relationships and how understanding these biases can lead to better decision-making in our love lives.
  • The "F*ck Yes or No" Principle: A principle I live by. Ury advocates for enthusiasm in relationships, encouraging readers to only pursue connections that excite them. This principle can save you a lot of time and heartache by helping you focus on truly promising relationships.

What I love about "How to Not Die Alone" is its holistic approach. Ury doesn't just focus on how to get dates or start relationships; she guides you through the entire process, from figuring out what you want in a partner to maintaining a healthy long-term relationship.

Who This Book is Perfect For:

While all the books on this list are valuable, "How to Not Die Alone" is especially perfect for:

  • Analytical thinkers who appreciate a scientific approach to dating
  • Guys who feel "stuck" in their dating lives and need a fresh perspective
  • Anyone looking to make better decisions in love and relationships
  • Men who want to understand not just the "how" of dating but the "why" behind human behavior in romantic contexts

Honorable Mentions

Want to dive even deeper? Check out these bonus picks:

1. The Game by Neil Strauss
A controversial look into the world of pickup artists offers insights into the psychology of attraction.

2. No More Mr Nice Guy by Robert A. Glover
Challenges the notion that being "nice" is enough, encouraging men to develop genuine confidence and assertiveness.

3. The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
A deep dive into the timeless principles of attraction and influence in relationships.

Remember, the best books on dating for guys are those that resonate with your personal values and goals. Take what works for you, leave what doesn't, and always stay true to yourself.

After reading these books, I felt that I had the ability to go out there and become the amazing partner I was meant to be.

I hope you gain the same.

Your future self (and your future partner) will thank you. Happy reading!

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